Can You Make Healthy Recipes With Cacao?

Healthy Recipes With Cacao
Are There Healthy Recipes Containing Cacao?

Chocolate is the forbidden fruit, or is it? Recently science has shown us that chocolate may not be such a guilty pleasure after all.

Touted as a superfood, chocolate in its raw form (cacao beans) actually has a higher anti-oxidant content than most fruits. They are high in flavonoids and can help to lower cholesterol. They also pack in up to four times as many anti-oxidants as a cup of green tea.

The therapeutic use of chocolate is nothing new. Medical texts dating all the way back to the 16th century reported dozens of medicinal uses for cacao. The most common uses in ancient times were to stimulate appetite to encourage weight gain, improve circulation and digestion and to stimulate the nervous system.

Today, the therapeutic uses are mounting. Current research has shown that cacao fights depression by stimulating natural antidepressant production in our bodies. It also contains its own stimulants, theophylline and caffeine. Rich in magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, potassium and manganese, cacao beans are a nutrient packed food. They are also a vitamin powerhouse chock full of A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and panthothenic acid.

While cacao beans are rich in these wonderful nutrients and vitamins, it is important to consider that once the beans are processed, these powerful constituents are depleted or completely destroyed. That is why raw cacao (found in health food stores in bean, powder, butter or nib form) is the most beneficial type of chocolate to consume. Dark chocolate bars can be a good source but make certain that they contain at least 75% cacao. There are countless recipes to be found that contain cacao in its raw form. Most commonly, raw foodists use it in their diets to make desserts and as a nutrient.

A simple delicious dark chocolate sauce can be made by mixing ¾ cup of raw cacao powder with ¾ cup of maple syrup or agave nectar and a tablespoon full of coconut oil. Blend in a powerful blender until it has a smooth consistency. This recipe is always gobbled up in our house. We use it to dip fresh fruit into or a sauce to pour over ice cream or other treats. Delicious, nutritious and it satisfies the sweet tooth.

One caution when using cacao beans, if you are sensitive to migraines or allergic reactions their active polyphenols may be a trigger.

In smoothies, sauces, trail mix, or chocolate bars, cacao can be a delightful. addition to a healthy diet.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, I completely changed my lifestyle, dropped almost 50 pounds and began a regimen of complementary treatments to support my immune system and get my body healthy again. It is one year later and I am feeling great.
